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The begining of a new normal

The COVID-19 Pandemic has seen many world leaders use war messages & themes to rally their nations in fighting this virus. Unfortunately, war messages from our leaders fail to ignite enthusiasm from our business leaders and the community to think about a future post-COVID-19. A war message is all about highlighting fear not provide hope.

The photo I took this morning was taken just before dawn at the Newcastle Break wall. Yes, it was dark and the end of a long night, but it highlighted the rising of the sun and the commencement of a new day. Today is 30 April 2020 which brings us to the end of a month where Australia and the majority of the world have been in almost full lockdown.

This is the first in my 60 plus years of life that I have been unable to legally go about my normal daily social routine. Just like many of you I have missed having a coffee at our local coffee shop, seeing children going off to school, sharing lunch in Beaumont Street with a friend, or going out for a drink or dinner at the local pub or club.

We have passed the first test, a 1 month of lockdown and I am still healthy, positive, and looking forward and planning for business post-COVID-19. I encourage everyone to celebrate the end of April and enhance your planning for May and June. I believe Australia will start to re-open and begin the process of returning to a new normal.

Melanie, Kylie and all the team at Hamilton Taggart are continuing to work to ensure our clients get the best outcomes from all of the Government support packages available for businesses. Stay safe and enjoy this weekend when you can get together a few more friends and family.

Ross Taggart
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